Who would be a part of the band?​

The ensemble would be made up entirely of music educators. This could include: current band directors, prospective band directors (music education majors who are on track to become band directors), retired band directors, and people with experience working with school band programs (music assistants, music coaches, etc).

How often would the group meet?​

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Who would conduct the band?​

Each member of the band would have an opportunity to work in front of the ensemble. This would give each member the opportunity to use the experience they are gaining from participating in the group, to directly inform their teaching.

Who would play what? And for how long?​

We encourage every member to bring an instrument they would like to gain more experience with.  Dacapo was designed to exist in seasons, so each member would pick an instrument to improve on, and play it for that season.  However, every member is encouraged to bring any and all instruments that they would like to play to any rehearsal.

Would the Band Perform?

While formal performances are not the focus of the ensemble, there is the possibility that the band would want to perform for the public, as long as the primary focus of the group remains pedagogical advancement and refinement, and not public performance.

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